Diabetes Update 5
- Duncan
- Hits: 4028
Latest update on my quest. Yet more news to share!
I started some fasting as part of my diet. I had to reduce my blood glucose level meds so that I did not have really low blood glucose level. This had some interesting results. One result was my blood glucose level went up and down a lot more than usual, causing my average score to go up.
I created a new category Health and moved all my diabetes related posts there. It probably does not matter much to you, but I had posted them in the Personal Development category previously. I kind of see the two categories as related, both about improving your life.
Diabetes Update 4
- Duncan
- Hits: 4657
Latest update on my quest. Yet more news to share! I want to call this episode "two steps forward and one step back".
- I am off another hypoglycemic pill (reduces blood glucose level).
- My weight has gone down a little more.
- My blood pressure has continued to go up, so I am back on the water pill.
Diabetes Update 3
- Duncan
- Hits: 5066
Latest update on my quest. I have further news to share! I am making progress, and it excites me to see each little improvement.
My blood glucose level is down to 5.5 mmol/L average over the last two weeks. That is based on taking 6-7 readings per day for the last two weeks. I'm staying in the green range most of the time, except for some lows last week, which I have made adjustments to take care of in the future. Also, I am off of another drug.
Diabetes Update 2
- Duncan
- Hits: 5047
Latest update on my quest. I have good news to share! As of today, my blood glucose level is around 5.7mmol/L average over the last two weeks. Last month, it was around 12 or more.
Why 5.7 is important? If you get a Glycated hemoglobin (A1C) test of 5.7 or lower, it means you don't have diabetes. The A1C test covers your last 3 months, not just the last 2 weeks. But it is a start. If I can maintain this level, and eventually wean myself off the meds, I would be cured!
Diabetes Update
- Duncan
- Hits: 6789
Hello again,
I'll try to put together some more of my thoughts and experiences since I started my quest to turn my life around. It is about a week since I last met with my doctor, and he sent me away for a couple of months to see if I can continue my progress. I am still excited about what I am doing, and I know that I am on the right track. But I feel like a recovering addict, in that I am only a donut or an ice-cream away from disaster. When my blood glucose level is low, is when I have to be careful. I have to eat something, but not too much carbs that it will over-correct and send me into high blood glucose level territory.
Conquer Diabetes
- Duncan
- Hits: 10964
A lot has happened to me recently. I have discovered, or perhaps I have seen the light finally.
My health has followed the path of a global pandemic over the past years. I'd say my sedentary life lead to me gaining weight over time. Then came the high blood pressure, followed by diagnosis of type 2 diabetes. Over the years, I got heavier, and my doctor put me on progressively more and more prescription drugs to compensate for the symptoms. I could do lots of exercise, but it made little or no difference. Then my doctor started talking about me going on insulin to help control my blood glucose level.
- Duncan
- Hits: 4479
I've liked to work with wood for a long time. I think my father got me started when he got me some hand tools. When I was at school, I took woodworking class there. I had some good teachers, and looking back I can see how much of their teaching stayed with me.
I find it like some kind of meditation. Some people do knitting, and I like to create something out of wood. I've made lots of things from furniture to small carvings. Wood is from nature. and I like to hold a piece of wood in my hand and imagine what I can make it into. I will take a board of wood and plane it and sand it smooth. From there I might make it into a box.
Anybody There?
- Duncan
- Hits: 4250
"Is there anybody there?" said the Traveller,
Knocking on the moonlit door;
I often wonder if any humans visit these pages any more. Years ago, there were many who would drop by and read the articles. Some would comment with their feedback. These days I moderate comments, because they are more likely to be comment-bots that like to spam blogs with links to porn sites etc.
A lot of the visitors are bots. You get the friendly ones, like google and bing. You get a bunch of evil ones, that are probing for opportunities to exploit. The evil ones will try to destroy what is here and deface it with their junk. They get to score points for their hacking teams, viewed on online hacker scoreboards. Destruction has become a game for bored teenagers in countries like Turkey and Russia.