The Ultimate Self-Help Course
- Duncan
- Hits: 10600
The Ultimate Self-Help Course
Imagine you could design the complete self-help program for yourself. What would it contain? Here are my thoughts. Excuse me if this sounds like rambling. If you have your own ideas, I welcome you to add them in the comments at the end of the page.
Visa Cheques
- Duncan
- Hits: 20723
This is a true story that happened to me.
I have a Visa card, like many people do. And from time to time, the Visa company sends in the mail, some promotional cheques. The cheques are tied to your Visa account, and when you use one, it counts like a purchase or a cash advance. They are hoping you will use them to transfer some outstanding balance from another card to your Visa, or perhaps make a large purchase with them. Personally, I never use such cheques, and destroy them as soon as they arrive.
This January I went to England on a vacation. During which time the Visa company sent me some of these pesky promotional cheques.
More on Appreciation Speech
- Duncan
- Hits: 42498
I was looking at the stats and saw that my article Appreciation Speech, was one of the top searched for items on here. I guess there are a lot of people out there with something to appreciate. Or perhaps you were looking for something else. Anyways, since enough people are curious about the topic, it makes sense that I explore it further with you.
Mouse Trouble
- Duncan
- Hits: 10300
I had an interesting experience with mice recently. Both my partner and I have a wireless mouse on our computer. Both mice were the same brand (Logitech) and worked fine. But when we sat next to each other and work on our respective computers, that's when the touble started. It seems the two mice were on similar radio frequencies and interfered with each other. When I moved my mouse, her mouse would act up and vice versa. It only happened when we both used the mice at the same time. So imagine this scenario if you will:
Mentoring: Building the Stars
- Duncan
- Hits: 13044
(I wrote this article a while back for the SPC, hope you like it)
As a project manager in a software company one of the biggest challenges is to find and keep good people. In the high-tech industry, there is more than enough work to go around for good people and we scramble to find enough people. We (the industry) have plenty of projects with paying customers, and they always want things done yesterday. The challenge is to ramp up a project team with enough talented people to get the job done. The next challenge is to keep your good people from leaving your company for another one.
Managing Customer Expectations
- Duncan
- Hits: 14476
Moving Forwards
- Duncan
- Hits: 11592

Photo Exhibition
- Duncan
- Hits: 242329
Photo Exhibition
Any day during the month of March, you are welcome to visit the library during their open hours (see link above) and view some of my photographs. They were all taken in the local area.