Editor's Column
- Duncan
- Hits: 10999
Hello again!
Did you have a great summer? I hope you enjoyed my recent articles on kayaking.I am really enjoying it myself. I took my test for VHF marine with the local Power and Sail Squadron, who administer such tests in Canada. I am hoping to get a waterproof VHF handheld sometime in the future, for when I am out kayaking off the coast. One thing that I find amazing, by the way, is if you go to google, and search for "Duncan in Kayak" and you can find photos of me.
Kayaking Buntzen Lake
- Duncan
- Hits: 23060
This Saturday we went kayaking on Buntzen Lake , here in British Columbia. We arrived early at the boat launch around 8 am, since I read that the park has limited parking and they close the entrance once it gets full. Also we like the dead calm you can get in the early hours of the morning. The water can be like a mirror, which provides you with some great photos, plus the paddling is so easy.
Kayaking Alouette Lake
- Duncan
- Hits: 28811
It just amazes me just how beautiful British Columbia is. Last week we bought some new kayaks, and on Sunday we went kayaking on Alouette Lake, here in British Columbia. We arrived at the boat launch around 9 am, and at that
time there was not too many people about, and the wind was a dead calm
on the lake.
Are You Talking To A 3?
- Duncan
- Hits: 9155
Communication skills are great, but do they always work? Not everyone responds the same way to your fancy techniques. Sometimes you need to take a step back and look at things.
Do You Realize You Have a Learning Style?
- Charlie Badenhop
- Hits: 8741
Like most every human being, I'm guessing you learn some things well while struggling to learn other subjects. If so, join the club! This article will give you some insight into the concept of learning styles and finding enjoyment in your learning process.
Business Game
- Duncan
- Hits: 21767
So You Want To Start Your Own Business

Imagine you are working in some dead end job. You deserve a better life than this. You are not excited about staying
there, so you figure to start your own business. That way you can ditch your boss and strike it rich in the world. This is the game for you!
Elastic Band Theory
- Duncan
- Hits: 13260
There is a connection between thought and reality, which is rather like two objects connected by an elastic band. There is an invisible force that pulls your thoughts and your reality together. If you try to change one without changing the other, you stretch the elastic band and set up a kind of tension.
How To Get Appreciation
- Duncan
- Hits: 14932
I have talked about appreciation, mostly from the giving side. I talked about how it can help in business and personal lives. Customer appreciation is especially important if you want to remain in business. It leads to regular repeat customers.