Frequent Buyer Program
- Duncan
- Hits: 16277

Letting Money Get In Your Way
- Duncan
- Hits: 12991
There is more than one way to let money block your success. You have to see it for what it is and overcome the roadblock.
Kayaking Alouette Lake 2008
- Duncan
- Hits: 14634
As members of the Port Moody Canoe & Kayak club, we organized a kayaking trip on Alouette Lake, here in British Columbia. Last year we launched at the boat ramp and went up through the narrows to the northern part of the lake. This trip we decided to start from Gold Creek, and camp at the northern end of the lake. We all arrived around 10 am.
Targeted Customer Appreciation
- Duncan
- Hits: 17437
We have a small but growing vacation rental business, and we are targeting our customer appreciation on best customers to make them into repeat customers.
Super Villans
- Duncan
- Hits: 10438
A few years back, my car got stolen. In the trunk were all sorts of goal setting books and audio programs that I used in my coaching business. I wondered what would happen if the criminal(s) who stole my car actually read those books.
Mind Map Software
- Duncan
- Hits: 12648
Happy 2008! With the new year a lot of people turn to reviewing their goals. I was recently doing the same, and I like to mind map mine. I looked at various software to use on my mac to create and edit mind maps, and thought I would share some with you.
Kayaking Video
- Duncan
- Hits: 10137
This weekend we were kayaking in Birch Bay, practicing some rescues in the cold water of the bay. Rest assured we were wearing all our warm gear. Anyways, I was doing a paddle float rescue, where you use your paddle and a float, to get back into your kayak...
Kayaking Safety
- Duncan
- Hits: 10141
This last weekend was Canadian Thanksgiving. As planned, we went out for a paddle, although we went on the Monday rather than Saturday because the weather was bad on Saturday. We wore our new wetsuits and paddle jackets, that we bought the week before, to protect us from the colder weather this time of year.