We're Back
- Duncan
- Hits: 12912
There are a few things left to fix up, but it should be functioning ok. The content was not touched. Mostly the code was messed up and set to download some viruses from a russian web site.
Update: I now have restored the guestbook and comments features, with new anti-spam measures. Unfortunately previous comments were lost, unless I can recover them from a backup.
Nice Dice
- Bill Ward
- Hits: 11799
I am an active practitioner of the mind-set that life is what you make of it. How a sentence is worded reveals a lot about an individuals view on life. For example, the following three comments: a) The glass is half-full; b) Today is partly sunny; c) I havent reached that point YET are all of the TYPE of sentences that come out of my mouth on a regular basis. Another truism I totally buy into is Perception is Reality.
Don't Worry, Be Happy
- Duncan
- Hits: 15783
Where to go from here?
- Duncan
- Hits: 13691
- Duncan
- Hits: 17534
I am going against the current. I am not merely drifting along with the current. I prefer to take charge of my life rather than give in to the prevailing current. I am paddling like hell.
Role Models
- Duncan
- Hits: 18096
You are a product of your environment, and by environment I mean the people you interact with. When you are young, you look to others for an example of how you should live your life. If you are lucky, you are surrounded by people of good character, and you learn and develop a similar set of behaviors and ethics.
Gravy Pots
- Duncan
- Hits: 81352
More kitchen wisdom for you. A task I got to do a lot of was washing pots and pans. There were these huge pots that we used to cook soup, or gravy, or curry sauce. They would be kept simmering for hours, so that the contents were hot and ready to serve at a moment's notice. As the contents were dispensed and the level went down, a series of rings were almost burned around the inside of the pot. The gravy pots were the worst, we sold a lot of gravy those days.
Fridge Theory Revisited
- Duncan
- Hits: 46346
In July 1994 I first published Big Dreams, and in that first issue was an article on "Duncan's Fridge Theory". That was over 10 years ago. It was one of the most popular articles, even though it was brief. It went like this: