Customer Service
- Duncan
- Hits: 11988
How you take care of your customers is a key factor in your business success. If you take good care of your customers, then you get to keep them as customers, plus they will multiply.
- Duncan
- Hits: 12494
Since I got lots of interest in my last article on worrying, here is some more on the topic.
Do you spend too much time worrying about things? Do you feel that it is cutting into your ability to succeed in life? When you worry about future events, your attention is literally pulled into the future. The scary thing is that as you focus on what may come, you may be inadvertently causing it to happen. That has to make you worry even more!
Dare To Dream
- Duncan
- Hits: 32315
Dave is Restless
Dave was just an ordinary kind of guy, working in an ordinary job. He had been employed with the same company for more than ten years and been loyal and dedicated. He'd always believed that if he worked hard for the company, they would look after him. At least that was how it had been since the dark ages.
Talking Horse Saves Life
- Duncan
- Hits: 10631
Years ago I was reading C.S. Lewis's enchanting book The Horse and His Boy. A young girl was about to take her own life rather than face a life in an arranged marriage to an old lord. Then her talking horse said these words to her:
"While you live you still have a chance,
but all the dead are dead alike."
Small Business Networking
- Duncan
- Hits: 11020
Networking is ideal for those of you who are starting
out in business, with no existing clients and a limited budget. The
investment is more of time than of money.
There are plenty of opportunities for networking, both formal and informal. Join various groups and organizations, including chamber of commerce networking meetings and industry groups.
Cute Puppy Pictures
- Duncan
- Hits: 38854
A couple of years ago, I worked on a web site for a company near here. They sell all sorts of cool equipment, unrelated to puppies of course.
At one point, I made up some silly pictures with puppies and cute kittens and put them on the site as a free download for desktop background pictures. I never thought much of it, until the traffic for those pictures got out of hand. I had to remove the pictures or risk having the server shut down.
How To Write An Appreciation Speech
- Duncan
- Hits: 150007
So you have to prepare and deliver a speech, expressing your appreciation to one or more parties, for something they have given to your cause or done. Perhaps you have received some kind of award, and you are like those people at the Academy Awards night, who have to thank all the little people that helped get you to where you are today.
Well you have come to the right place. I assume you have been scouring all over the Internet for some help, on what to say. Well let's get to it then.