Diabetes Update 20 - Going Strong
- Duncan
- Hits: 5466
I just saw my doctor for my quarterly review, so I thought it was time to check in here.
Still following the plan, working to cure myself of diabetes.
I do two and three day fasts once a week, as well as intermittent fasting and a ketogenic diet. My exercise is still up around 2-3 hours per day, mostly cycling.
Diabetes Update 19
- Duncan
- Hits: 5774
It has been a while since I last posted on my progress. It is over a year since I started on my quest to cure myself of diabetes.
I am still doing two day and three day extended fasts, at least once a week. The rest of the time, I am eating a ketogenic diet and within an eight hour window. That means it is moderately restrictive.
Diabetes Update 18 - Mad Cow
- Duncan
- Hits: 6158
On boxing day I decided to donate blood. Since turning my health around, I thought to give back, plus I heard that donating blood has some health benefits too. Unfortunately I was informed I was banned indefinitely from donating blood because I came from the UK in the 1980's. At that time there was the risk of mad cow disease, and there is currently no test available to prove I am not infected. I felt rather sad. It is like being rejected by your school crush. Now I go around to people and shout "Mooo!" for no reason. My using humour to hide my sadness I guess.
Diabetes Update 17 - Extended Fasting
- Duncan
- Hits: 6274
Another update on my quest to cure myself of diabetes.
I've recently been doing 3 day fasts. They seem to make more impact than 2 day fasts.
For a while I was doing one meal a day (OMAD). This was 20 hours fasting and about a 4 hour window of eating each day. I learned recently that it is not good to do this long term, as it is more like a caloric reduced diet and leads to a permanently slowed basal metabolic rate (BMR).
Diabetes Update 16 - No More Meds
- Duncan
- Hits: 5572
Yet more update on my quest to cure myself of diabetes.
I am off my blood pressure medications, which means I am no longer taking any prescribed medications. To me, that is a huge achievement. In March this year, I was on at least 6 different medications. At that time my doctor suggested going on insulin to help control my blood glucose level. That was the turning point. Now, seven months later, I am free of all the medications.
Diabetes Update 15 - Doctor Visit
- Duncan
- Hits: 5564
I just met with my doctor again for a three month checkup. I had all my results and data to review with him. I had more data than he did, since I have access to the results from the lab tests as well as my own data. I have made progress over the last three months in all areas, although in some areas I have made more progress than others. Here is a bullet point summary:
Diabetes Update 14 - A1C Results
- Duncan
- Hits: 5860
Yet more update on my quest to cure myself of diabetes. It is now six months into my quest, and I continue to make some encouraging progress, and I am learning a lot.
Keeping my blood pressure in range has been a challenge. I am taking Ramipril, plus half a water pill. I have noticed the water pill can elevate my blood glucose level, which means I have a trade off between blood pressure and blood glucose level. That is why I only take half a water pill a day, trying to compromise. My hope is that as I reduce my weight in the future, my blood pressure will normalize to the point I don't need medications.
Diabetes Update 13 - Fasting
- Duncan
- Hits: 6291
In my last update I reported that I was no longer taking medications to lower my blood glucose level. Since then I have successfully continued to maintain my blood glucose level with just diet and fasting. I am carefully monitoring my blood glucose level, and so far I am averaging around 6.0 mmol/L. It is interesting that without the medications, my blood glucose level is more stable, in that it does not move up and down as wildly as it did when I was taking medications. The moving average line is almost straight.