Weight Loss
- Duncan
- Hits: 12094

What Is Your Happy Thought?
- Duncan
- Hits: 12546
You need a reason to go on. It has to be so strong that it motivates you to face whatever challenges that come along. Believe me, stuff does happen to us all. Winners are not superheroes, they just keep going long after losers give up.
- Duncan
- Hits: 10818
Try to be in a business where you have regular customers who give you
repeat business. The value of a regular customer is a predictable
regular income as long as you keep that customer.
Submission Guidelines
- Duncan
- Hits: 12147
Big Dreams welcomes submissions. That is, you are welcome to contribute articles to be published online. Here are the guidelines:
Articles have to fall within the focus of this newsletter, in order to be selected for publication. The focus of this newsletter is personal development and topics related to starting a small business.
Big Dreams Is Reborn
- Duncan
- Hits: 10705

Over the years I was publishing before, it was a very satisfying, and I have wanted to resume.
Immerse Yourself in the Positive
- Duncan
- Hits: 12159
What I mean by this is to associate with positive people, to read positive books, listen to positive tapes and the like. Every encounter, every positive experience will leave a trace on your heart. We are the sum of the books we have read, the people we have met and the experiences we have had. The key is to realise that you have the ability to choose which books, people or experiences. Don't just drift along, absorbing whatever experiences come your way.
Keep Going
- Duncan
- Hits: 10535
I was talking with a friend recently and we got onto the topic of the tortoise and the hare, an old children's tale. The tortoise and the hare had a race, and of course the hare raced ahead. The tortoise kept on slowly plodding along, but there was no way it could compete with the speed of the hare. Part way along the race, the hare decided to take a nap, and while he slept the tortoise crept past him to the finish line.
Transferable Skills
- Duncan
- Hits: 12061
Robert Fulghum wrote All I Really Needed to Know I Learned in Kindergarten. Well, for me it was a restaurant. There I learned what I called "Kitchen Aptitude," which started out as a level of competence in the kitchen of a large restaurant. It grew to become more of a general aptitude, the ability to cope with whatever life threw my way.